As part of the OIG fraud prevention program, we provide fraud awareness guides and presentations to LSC grantees. The fraud awareness guide discusses fraud schemes involving timekeeping, travel, credit cards, accounting, payroll, office supplies, client trust funds, employee benefits, and Executive Director expenses. Each section is illustrated by examples drawn from actual OIG investigations and identifies which grantee personnel would most benefit from knowing about the relevant topic. The goal of the handbook is to help LSC grant recipients prevent fraud in the first place or detect fraud as soon as possible in the event it cannot be prevented. The fraud awareness presentations describe common types of fraud, with particular focus on the various schemes that have been perpetrated against LSC grantees and the conditions that helped facilitate the losses. The OIG provides these presentations at grantee offices and via webcast. Slide presentations are provided below. Audio/video recordings will also be provided in the future.

Preventing and Detecting Fraud in Legal Aid Organizations (June 2024)
On June 18, 2024, the LSC OIG provided a live webinar to the Management Information Exchange (MIE) on preventing and detecting fraud in legal aid organizations.

Cybercrimes Fraud Awareness Presentation (September 2021)

Fraud Awareness Briefing (September 2020)

Fiscal Fraud Prevention Guide for LSC Grantees (August 2014)  —  Cover Letter from the IG

Timekeeping and Travel Fraud Presentation (December 2011)