Core Values Chart

OIG’s efforts are guided by five core values that we believe are critical to fulfilling our responsibilities, adding maximum value, and operating as a leading oversight organization that advances the fundamental principle of mission first, people always:


We commit to excellence, continuous improvement, and innovation — and we follow the Inspector General Act, as amended. We also aim to be proper stewards of taxpayer dollars in our own operations.


We adhere to the professional standards of our disciplines, and produce objective, relevant, timely, and high-quality work products. We invest in our people and ensure they have the time, tools, and training they need to effectively do their jobs.


We maintain the highest levels of ethics, trust, objectivity, and credibility.


We foster a collaborative and respectful work environment, including promoting diversity and inclusion. We also believe in building and sustaining constructive relationships with the LSC Board of Directors, LSC management, grantees, and Congress in our efforts to provide essential oversight work and independent insights.


We provide insightful, accurate, concise, accessible, and timely written, virtual, and oral communications to LSC grant recipients, LSC management and staff, the LSC Board of Directors, Congress, and American taxpayers.