Where should the Corrective Actions Plans be submitted? There is a change in the routing of Corrective Action Plans from what is specified in the Audit Guide for Recipients and Auditors, § I-9.D. Rather than forwarding Corrective Action Plans to the OIG, recipients should submit them directly to LSC Management addressed to:Lora RathOffice of Compliance and EnforcementLegal Services Corporation3333 K Street, N.W.Washington D.C. 20007-3558rathl@lsc.gov
Check to see if the OIG has received your submissions: Audit Reports Received Summary Report Forms Received
These instructions explain how to submit a Summary Report Form (SRF) for an audit of an LSC grant recipient. For authoritative guidance on audit policies, go to the Audit Guidance page. Before You Start ¶You should print a hard copy of these instructions for reference while completing the SRF. Also, print and refer to the Sample SRF and Legend of Non-Compliance and Reportable Condition Codes, which are also posted to this website. You should fill out the Sample SRF and become familiar with the other materials before going on-line to enter the SRF…
Accounting and financial reporting guidelines related to Legal Services Corporation (LSC) are found in the LSC Financial Guide.Where can I find guidance on LSC's accounting and financial reporting requirements?Guidance on LSC's accounting and financial reporting requirements can be found in the LSC Financial Guide. Questions relating to the LSC Financial Guide should be directed to LSC's Office of Compliance and Enforcement at fiscalquestions@lsc.gov.May LSC recipients use LSC funds for fundraising activities?LSC management has advised the OIG that recipients may use…
All audited financial statements are to be submitted to the Office of Inspector General by email. Please email a pdf version of your entire audit report to audits@oig.lsc.gov. You are not required to mail a hard-bound copy of the audit report. The deadline for submission of audited financial statements is 120 days after the recipient's fiscal year end. Please submit the Summary Report Form electronically on the OIG website.All audit findings are to be reported on the Summary Report Form. Please refer to the Summary Report Form instructions for guidance.How does LSC OIG process recipient audit…
OIG updated the LSC OIG Audit Guide and Appendices which include the Compliance Supplement for Audits of LSC Recipients (Appendix A). These documents will be effective for audits of LSC recipient fiscal years ending on or after September 30, 2023. Questions about the LSC OIG Audit Guide or Appendices should be sent to OIG at audits@oig.lsc.gov.What reports and financial statements should be included in my submission?The following report components, at a minimum, should be included in the audit report. These components are also listed in the Summary Report Form.Financial Statement:…
Are Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance audits required for recipients of LSC funds?Yes. LSC OIG has elected to adopt Code of Federal Regulations, Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) for audits of LSC grant recipients, subject to modification in accordance with LSC OIG guidance.Are recipients of less than $750,000 in LSC funding exempt from LSC audit requirements under the Uniform Guidance?No. Uniform Guidance …
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Audit Guidance Effective for Audits of LSC Recipient Fiscal Years Ending on or After September 30, 2023The Office of Inspector General updated the Audit Guide for Recipients and Auditors and its appendices. The updates include changes to the Audit Guide and the Audit Guide's appendices.This guidance is used for annual audits of LSC recipient fiscal years ending on or after September 30, 2023.Audit Guide for Recipients and AuditorsAppendix A – Compliance Supplement for Audit of LSC RecipientsAppendix B – Summary Report Form on Noncompliance with…
Laws, regulations and guidance related to Legal Services Corporation (LSC) are found in the following sources. LawsLSC Act, As Amended, 42 U.S.C. 2996 et seq (LSC Act)LSC Appropriations ActsRegulationsCode of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Subtitle B, Chapter XVI, Legal Services Corporation, Part 1600 to 1644 (LSC Regulations)LSC Restrictions and Other Funding SourcesCode of Federal Regulations, Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance)GuidanceLSC…